Pioneer Moving is a Moving and Storage company located in the Greater Springfield area in Western Massachusetts. The company was founded in September of 2021 by Brian Clark. Brian Has been in the Moving industry for 12 years where he started as a Seasonal moving helper as he attended Westfield State University. Upon graduation Brian was brought into the Office of a large moving company where in the span of 2 years he went from a Marketing manager to the General Manager of the Multimillions dollar operation. After being the General Manger for 5 years, Brian decided it was time to start his own company and in September 2021 started Pioneer Moving.
Why Pioneer?
In his many years in the moving industry, Brian was able to identity a number of issues both as a mover and a general mover. The number one issue in the moving industry is communication: communication between the moving company and customer, communication between office and the movers, communication between sales staff and operations, and so on.
At Pioneer Moving, our goal is to make the moving process as easy as possible by creating better lines of communication throughout the entire move process. By combining our years of on the trucks moving experience and administrative moving experience with state of the art technology, it allows to to maximize our communication.
We know that moving is incredibly stressful especially when you’re trying to close on your new home, change the schools, update all of the billing addresses and so on, it doesn’t need to make made worse by being left on unread.